Two Party Opera by Brian Carroll for June 26, 2017

  1. 2po gwavi
    Brian Carroll creator almost 7 years ago

    If it’s one thing I do credit Kennedy for, it’s his ability to give a speech.

    At it’s best, a carefully delivered speech can be more effective than a bullet. While a lot of the things presidents say are carefully chosen and vetted, weighing the potential consequences of any message delivered by the nation’s highest office, the line “Ich bin ein Berliner” was written by Kennedy himself, knowing the need for an effective anchor against balanced language during tricky times.

    He was far from the only president to do this, but it does highlight the need for a president to be the final curator for his message – just as Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Franklin Roosevelt, and yes, Richard Nixon, were.

    The claim that Kennedy had inadvertently called himself a jelly doughnut will live on.

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  2. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Back in 1964, when I was taking German I in high school, my teacher said that the correct thing to have said was “Ich bin Berliner.” Of course, from the crowd reaction, correct grammar was less important than sentiment.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Kennedy was one of the last to be able to give a good speech. Part of that is simply image, of course. One imagines, while LBJ is talking that he is either spreading your ears out (like the poor dog) or showing you his scar. After all the cartoonists, it was hard to view Nixon as trustworthy. Gerald Ford was a nice guy, but there was a reason why Nixon picked him. And Carter, as my father-in-law often said, talked like he had a mouthful of peanuts. At any rate, I hated to listen to him talk. Reagan, of course, was easy listening. The Bushes? Oh, no! Bill Clinton was pretty darn smooth. Obama? His speaking cadence just sucked. And Trump? Much, much, much worse. I love how all the conservatives blasted Obama for using teleprompters, but say nothing about the crappy cadence resulting from Trump trying to read from either notes or a teleprompter. Evidently in large print. He makes Obama sound good.

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  4. Missing large
    emptc12  almost 7 years ago

    In 1964, one year after Kennedy’s death, my seven-grade class did a commemoration of his presidency. It was so hokey, now that I think back. There were several skits that our teach wrote and organized. The prettiest girl and the best-looking Irish boy played Mr. and Mr. Kennedy at the breakfast table swapping quips (Hello, Thomas and Cathy!).

    I gave the Berlin speech, and probably still have the performance on a three-inch reel of magnetic tape somewhere. I sounded nothing like Kennedy, more like Hitler. And in giving credit to all the kids who performed, as I left the stage I tripped on the microphone cord! Olim oliorum!

    We also sang “P. T. 109,” as performed by Jimmy Dean. (Open the link):

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  5. Gc face
    Spun_G  almost 7 years ago

    Presidents Ford, Lincoln and Pierce are looking at each other saying “What? You’re an Automobile Maker?”

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  6. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Drumpf could NEVER make a speech like that! It had more then 140 Characters!

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  7. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I’m sure JFK loved the jelly doughnut story. It would have been a great ice breaker at cocktail parties in his latter years.

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