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Dirty Dragon Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Gasoline Alley

    Two spaces better!

  2. about 5 hours ago on Overboard

    I hope you’re having a good weekend, viper!

    How about we get Nate to serve some orange sherbet and call it good?

  3. about 5 hours ago on Overboard

    _It’s not Dandy as in ‘wonderful’, it’s Dande as in ‘nine circles of h-e- double hockey sticks’.

    Good morning, crew!

  4. about 5 hours ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Temporal Anomaly avoided!

  5. about 5 hours ago on Gasoline Alley

    Daisy Mae lassoed Li’l Abner faster that Rufus is getting a ring on that finger.

    - – - -

    A full update of classics for the 4th:

    It’s the return of Mr. Turk! Or at least a visit from one of his kin. Unfortunately we know the end of the story. The crummy kid who stole That Nickel out of Santa’s pot last week tries to use it on a vending machine, but only ends up jamming up the works. But the next buyer frees things and takes possession.

    Heck no, the warriors won’t go. What’s the good of being Chief if you can’t even order a raid on the cavalry fort?

    How Daphne Dimples hasn’t been moidered yet is a wonder to me. It’s not like Siberia doesn’t have options to find a less problematic employer.

    Sarge has an idea to solve Slim’s problem of finding a place where he and Clovia can live after the ceremony.

  6. 1 day ago on Overboard

    How about carrot sticks with a 56 ounce container of ‘dipping sauce’?

    Good morning, crew!

  7. 1 day ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Around 15 years later: “No pressure honey, but if you don’t have a girl we might cause a temporal paradox and cause our entire universe to implode.”

  8. 1 day ago on Gasoline Alley

    It’s amazing that Mayor Melba doesn’t slip back into her hill accent when talking to a rube like Rufus.

    But it’s nice to see her tugging her top back up her shoulder again…

    - – - -

    It’s a full four-sided classics update for the 3rd, a square deal:

    Two days after Christmas, Skeezix is looking forward to his next bunch of loot from Santa Claus. ♪♫ The road is long…. ♪♫

    Gaye may be trying to fit in as a respectable housewife after leaving “the business” as proprietor of a “public house”. But she still knows the way back when she needs a break from life. It’s 5 o’clock in Conniption, and Billy the Bartender is serving up hard liquor for clients who want to get drunk fast.

    (I wonder if Mort Gage’s wife would even stop to talk to a “saloon woman” on the street yet, it’s only been a few years – and she’s still unmarried and living on her own. Wanton!)

    Maryjane and Tornado have cleaned out Brenda’s kitchen, down to the last saltine cracker. Desperate measures are called for. (And they call Ms. Grayson “Lazy” – hah!)

    Six weeks and counting down, Slim figures out that it’s up to him to not only win the bread for the new family, he also needs to find a better home than his storage-room/apartment.

  9. 2 days ago on Bozo

    Back in 1995, the USPS did issue a collector’s sheet of postal stamps featuring some of the comic strips, most all I believe which started before WW2…

    A search engine query for:

    “comic strip classics stamps”

    should turn it up, if anyone’s interested, a couple of the strips you mentioned were featured.

  10. 2 days ago on Pickles

    “Come and get it!”