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  1. about 4 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    Now was that so hard? It only took you an entire day and multiple childish insults to answer a basic question.

    Eggs used to cost $1.51 in 2020 in Michigan (hello from the downriver area btw)

    www inflation egg-prices-adjusted-for-inflation/

  2. about 4 hours ago on Strange Brew

    Isn’t that a lighthouse keeper’s one job ?

  3. about 4 hours ago on Luann

    OH NO! They moved her HEAD! She’s going to be paralyzed for LIFE! Plus they murdered everyone else who was there because they are not specifically drawn into today’s strip. This is a comic strip, it must be 100% accurate and complete!

  4. about 4 hours ago on Jen Sorensen

    1 – Hunter isn’t running for any political office, and 2 – no law was specifically changed to enable charging him with a crime. So, deflection attempt failed.

  5. about 5 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    Oh, look, another ‘He has a different view so he must be xxxx, follow xxx, and get his information from xxx’ therefore I can and must dismiss his views. Aldous Huxley saw you coming from a century away.

  6. about 8 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    It’s not proof if only you can see it.

  7. about 8 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    First you said the change to the law was done well before he was accused (I proved you wrong), then you said it wasn’t done by people opposed to him (I proved you wrong), then you said he wasn’t accused until well after it was changed (contradicting yourself, and I again proved you wrong). Now you have changed tactic again and are saying now that Trump doesn’t even matter to the left, when it is clear that you and many, many people on the left are so absolutely obsessed with him they (and you) have lost all concept of logic and rational thought.

    You still have your searing anger though, so there’s that at least.

  8. about 14 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    Oohhh, Dalton says he has a receipt (that only he can see), therefore I have to ‘Put up of Shut up’. Your arrogance is matched only by your anger. Your lies are a close third.

  9. about 14 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    I answered that challenge about 8 hours ago, just before you shifted the topic from ‘that bill doesn’t exist’ to ‘it didn’t happen that day’.

  10. about 14 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    YOU brought up egg prices (false ones at that) as proof of how great and wonderful he’s doing. I simply asked where in the country you found these numbers.

    Now you shift the conversation to supposed anti-price gouging legislation (what a bill is named and what is actually in the bill are almost always two different things) instead of answering the original question.

    Care to stop moving the goal posts and stay on topic?