20190411 135231

formathe Free

Old Ex Military Canadian.

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Andy Capp

    Sorry, might be a Canadian thing,, Salvation Army.

  2. about 3 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I understand your reticence but I have found that the Orlando Sentinel, while shifting farther left each year, still seems to have an open mind about their articles.

  3. about 8 hours ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    Big Lots is no longer a big deal. We found Ollie’s in Pensacola. Maybe be the new BL?

  4. about 10 hours ago on Free Range

    You are a bartender?

  5. about 10 hours ago on Free Range

    yea, one employer had them every friday morning so it took hours and hours to wrap up your weeks work either on the phone or on the road. Boss was the Presidents son in law.

  6. about 10 hours ago on The Grizzwells

    Not sure how big the park is. Maybe female porkys are territorial and Pierpont needs to move a few miles away.

  7. about 10 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    We were fortunate. My youngest left for trades college and never returned. Oh, he visits often but had always been self sufficient. The oldest was a bit put off when I said, you have one calendar year from your last day of university to move out and make your way in life. Even at 44 he still lives a precarious life even though he has a solid trade in the chef business.

  8. about 11 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I was adulting at 16, but did not parent until I was 40. Wife had two sons. I did better at adulting in the first two years than I did parenting in the first two years. parenting has a very steep learning curve.

  9. about 11 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Mine too and it’s good! being former military also means you are the home defender until you die.

  10. about 11 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    80’s is good. Late 80’s might be better. I’m shooting for 85.