
Thomas Scott Roberts Creator

Recent Comments

  1. about 8 hours ago on Maria's Day

    There are loads of jokes these days that start with “Only in America…” and they’re often things that are true almost anywhere in the world. Then you can pare the concept down to jokes that start with “Only in New York…” or “Only in Texas…” and so on. They come from a false sense of uniqueness.

  2. about 8 hours ago on Working Daze

    Too often, we can be wary of these things because of impressions that develop without finding out for ourselves. I initially fell for the “Harry Potter is so massively popular that it can’t be worthwhile. It’s just pabulum, because so many people like it.” Then I was taken to see the first movie and that changed my mind. I started reading all of the books, and catching up. I just reread them recently, in the the original UK editions (they were ‘translated’ for the American market.)

  3. about 8 hours ago on Working Daze

    I always liked comics that create a reality for the characters that’s their own. Before I came on board, WD was mostly about referencing real world things, and current events. I started doing what I had done in my own comics: creating products and businesses that are not from the real world, but sound feasible and fit the characters’ world. Pensa-Cola (obviously named after the place, with tongue in cheek) was one of those.

  4. about 8 hours ago on Working Daze

    Workers don’t necessarily ‘agree to’ take breaks together. They may take them at the same time, and Sal may have plonked himself down at the table where Carolina was already sitting.

  5. 1 day ago on Working Daze

    I never followed wrestling in any day, but I know it features a lot of people playing characters.

  6. 1 day ago on Maria's Day

    People ask where gag-witers get their ideas. It’s from bselvign and remembering stuff like that. Life provides gags. If this were third years ago, we could use the Battlow gag in Working Daze, but it might not work now.

  7. 1 day ago on Maria's Day

    Many long years ago, when a cell-phone’s battery was low, the letters BATTLOW would appear on the LCD screen. (I don’t know if any do that anymore.) One day at work, a none-too-bright fellow, who had just bought his first phone, told us that he had a missed call, and he couldn’t figure out how to call back. He told us: “It’s from somebody named Battlow.” From then on, we would occasionally pick up the desk phone, and call him over, telling him he had a call from Mr. Battlow. He’d snarl.

  8. 1 day ago on Cul de Sac

    Sheer coincidence, but this is the second strip in my feed that has a gag about a kid and a tube slide.

  9. 1 day ago on Pooch Cafe

    We get plenty of magazines, including ones no one subscribes to. My wife is a dentist, so publishers figure she’ll want to consider them for the waiting area.

  10. 1 day ago on JumpStart

    Where I live, we don’t get to buy our own cans. We take the ones supplied by the company that picks up our trash and recycling. One week they were so full, we had to press a couple of older ones from the former company into service. The trash in them was not collected. When we called, we were told they were the wrong cans, and would not be accepted!