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9thCapricorn Free

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  1. about 13 hours ago on Luann

    Well both of Elly’s parents died in the strip, and worst of all was Farley’s death. So heart wrenching. Mrs Horner is 92. She has lived way longer most people and is even teaching a class while most people her age are in nursing homes waiting to die. She’s lived a good life. It’s just her time.

  2. about 13 hours ago on Luann

    Oh my. Did Mrs Horner fall over and die?

  3. about 13 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Ohhhh, April. That one your mom won’t forget. That means she has to redo the whole room. She has to decide if she wants to keep the walls papered or strip and paint? What color? Will her furniture match the paint color? Decisions decision, stress, stress, because you decided to pick on a loose seam and pull it off. Not to mention the cost of wallpapering or painting.

  4. about 16 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    There’s just too many variables to properly study the alpha behavior in domesticated dogs. I think these article merely showed that not all dogs display dominance. Just like humans. Human behavior also influence the dog behavior. Like I said, too many variables.

  5. about 17 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Even when I had alphas, those dogs were also friends with their packs, played together and act like siblings a lot of the time. There were periods of dominance during meal time, sleep preferences, etc.

  6. 1 day ago on For Better or For Worse

    Well dogs did descend from gray wolf and I can attest to the fact that there always is an alpha dog when I had more than one dog. When I had the white boxer with three chihuahuas, the Yorkie/Chihuahua mix was the alpha. She bossed everyone and decided who and when in her pack could eat. My current two large dogs, the Canaan is the alpha over my Pit Bull mix. It’s funny because people become wary of the Pit Bull around their dogs but when one friend who didn’t tell me she was bringing over her male dog, the Canaan zeroed in on him and nipped him. His way of saying ‘Who are you?’ My friend screamed. Then she got mad at me that it was supposed to be the Pit Bull. But nope. She’s a sweetie. Never bit anyone even when my grandchildren pull her ears and bonk on her nose and hit her with toys (typical toddler behavior). The Canaan? He growls at them so I keep him in the laundry room when my grands come over. It is the solo dog who doesn’t display pack animal behavior such as Edgar. However dogs are domesticated animals so their pack behavior is simple as versus to the wolf behavior in the wild where the alpha absolutely ruled the pack of more than just few dogs with a lot more complex. The need to rule remains in domesticated dog DNA but is much weaker because there has been no need for it. Their human parents replaced their ancestral wolf alpha. The hunting, for which is central to the alpha wolf’s role, has long since gone from the domesticated dog branch so the modern dog alpha is often described as unsafe, unstable, unpredictable, concerning, mandates training, etc. These dogs need to be the only pet which is why when they retire police dogs, they adopt them out as solo pets or to their police dog trainers who are their alphas. These dogs are often returned to human society or given up for adoption when they grow from puppyhood into unsafe dogs and animal adoption agencies post on their gates that they are to be the only pet if interested in adopting.

  7. 1 day ago on For Better or For Worse

    Edgar is thinking ‘Sorry but you’re a mere subordinate. Elly is the alpha. If you wanna sit, ask the alpha.’

  8. 2 days ago on Luann

    Well they did age the crew into college age. Someday down the road they’ll age them into working young adults. I think that translates to loads of storylines. Larger world and scenarios. The current is limited to college related plots. Working young adults would get us to see them marry, have serious relationships, living on their own, struggle with budgeting, renting, etc. See Brad and Toni have a kid. Finally. Workplace scenarios. See what jobs they have. See their bosses. Etc. Like watching Friends.

  9. 2 days ago on Luann

    Well that was years ago when Luann was a young girl. She’s now college age so there’s probably a lot more that Mrs Horner can share with a young woman.

  10. 3 days ago on Luann

    So Mrs Horner is Luann’s role model. I think she ought to interview her and perhaps learn a thing or two about life.