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Recent Comments

  1. 24 days ago on Luann

    This is ridiculous!

  2. 26 days ago on Luann

    I think it is time for Frank and Nancy to start getting fed up with Luann and her I have no idea what I want to do with my life attitude. This branding arc has been a dud in my opinion.

  3. 29 days ago on Luann

    I know it is extremely difficult to keep writing for so many years, but please do not let this arc go for another week. I feel sorry for the kids today if this is what they have to put up with.

  4. about 1 month ago on Luann

    This is starting to get too ridiculous, going on way too long.

  5. about 1 month ago on Luann

    I am old. I was a teenager in the sixties and really didn’t like it with all the conflict of the Vietnam Era, racial tension, assassinations, etc. Life was bigger than the individual. But, I am glad I didn’t have to put up with this kind of stuff being played out as “personal branding”. Good Grief! I feel sorry for the kids today. As soon as they learn the world doesn’t revolve around “ME”, the better off they will be.

  6. 3 months ago on Luann

    Maybe she didn’t wait long enough. Maybe next week, the second line will appear!

  7. 3 months ago on Luann

    Well, Congratulations!

  8. 3 months ago on Luann

    Well, did you get accepted?

  9. 3 months ago on Luann

    It is only 8 am CDT here and 159 comments already. Hit the nail on the head. This sequence is going to be way more popular than the last one.

  10. 3 months ago on Luann

    This sequence is very upsetting to me. I know Luann is trying to be a friend, but showing a 19/20 year old trying to help someone who is seriously depressed is just disrespectful in so many ways. It shows Luann is not maturing very well. It shows little regard Piro trying to avoid a serious illness and the fact that his family really needs help to try to organize some type of life schedule for his family. I know other people will have other opinions, but, to me, using puppets in this sequence is not appropriate.