Me  bw2

Wichita1.0 Free

Freelance writer, producer, narrator and nature/aviation photographer. Over 50 credits in the comic book field as a (very, very iffy) artist, later an inker and writer. Wrote a sci-fi anthology series for college radio. The creator of several neo-pulp book series. Owner of the world's least trustworthy laptop EVER-- It of the Many Sticking Keys.

Recent Comments

  1. about 22 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Kind of like Odd Job’s lethal hat?

  2. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Yeeeah, but it’s much easier to plot and develop a longer story than, say, a MM (cringes at mine).

  3. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Soupy Sales, when he sat on Aunt Clotilda’s hat pin!

  4. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    (brain cell pops) Give Tracy a new ‘Moriatry’ in the form of an equally adept but criminal detective!

    This could be SAM’S BIG BREAK. Shifting from Stealin’ Sam to Sinister Sam! He could wear a bat-shaped bow tie! we’d also know about all the things he’s pocketed. He pawned them to finance a sprawling criminal empire!


    Oh, is it time for my meds already?

  5. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    It felt coincidental, with two sub-plot crossing at the end. I would have liked a bit more working in finding the crucial clue (let the baddies do a little detective work for change), and to know what the nasties wold have done with the loot once they found it.

  6. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy


    I’d kind of regret that (the quick wrap), if so. Not or this particular story as per se, but I prefer a story that builds and lasts several weeks at the very least, so it can flesh out. Shorter ones unfold, but not with a whole lot of impact (and this is not specific to TRACY — I get this impression in other strips and genres).

    Perhaps a bit stronger on detection than with a couple of seemingly divergent sub-plots that merge at the end. Honestly, though, I don’t know how to have doe this up any differently, given the central Batmobile gimmick. and yes, it’s the coolest car in the universe!!!

    Not that this story was a miss as such. To my tiny mind, it just had room to get some meat on the bones and maybe make stronger connections long the way. Maybe have the heavies plan to steal the BMobile so as to use its gimmicks to aid in bank job (and possibly frame B.O. in the process. That would give Tracy the job of solving the crime and vindicating B.O.

    Or for three to have been mayhem and possible injuries during the escape. Or the kidnapping of a witness. Another crime left on B.O. doorstep?Just seems, given the MacGuffin du jour, that there could have been more to it than a chance meeting on the road ending things.

    I enjoyed Mike letting me know the basic idea, as I’m also a huge fan of the series (especially Cesar Romero’s deliriously gleeful Joker). I just worry that maybe he was feeling washed out at the time, as well as planning the move, and didn’t go fully with the story.

    But then I tend to overthink things. Never mind.

  7. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    “After that…gumball machines! Brrrrr! No penny was safe in this corrupt, lawless town!”

  8. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    He now resides in the Old Villains’ Home in Oxford, KS., where he stomps out the pretty, pretty flowers in the tastefully arranged beds daily.

  9. 3 days ago on Bear with Me

    Don’t get me STARTED on ‘funny voices.’ I have a habit of doing various character voices from Jay Ward shows when I’m driving or shopping with my wife. Drives her crazy.


  10. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I dunno’. With him diving, I have Jan &Den’s Deadman’s Curve playing in my head. Perhaps it wont make it to Impound.

    The question IS, will anyone give B.O. a lift? Perhaps a Crimestopper’s Tip there; ? ‘Never give a scruffy yokel a ride!’