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  1. 1 day ago on Steve Kelley

    Facts.oh, y ou poor delusioned soul. If you ever looked anywhere on your own, the facts would whammy you. Labeling anyone who puts any real facts in front of you as “Maga” is a cover-up for ignorance.

  2. 2 days ago on Steve Kelley

    Billofer:Fauci was qualified as a federal bureaucrat; ie he had ever been a doctor who actually trated patients it was so long ago he had forgotten it. whatever his qualifications for anything else are, he could qualify for a PhD in lying and scheming how to make money from a crisis. Check how much it was worth to him to get his vaccine on the market FAST.Look up the figures on how many real doctors actually treated patients and kept them from dying. we were made fools of – the lockdown, the masks (which Fauci has even said did not protect you after we figured out when people who took it still got covid.) All of it capitalizing on fear instilled in the masses to control them.

  3. 3 days ago on Steve Kelley

    The rare political comic that is also funny.

  4. 3 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    baroden: Have you lost sight of why Israel attacked?

  5. 5 days ago on Gary Varvel

    The cartoon of him walking the tightrope makes it pretty easy to understand him. It’s all about wooing votes from any demographic that is not fed up with his wishy-washy leadership.

  6. 6 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Well said. And when the “peaceful” is breached, there needs to be immediate consequences before non-student professionals move in to entice students, we end up with a dangerous “insurrection” such as we see now. And it spreads like a wildfire on a scorching August day.

  7. 7 days ago on Lisa Benson

    It’s not a out your personal eliefs; if you are the president, your job description means that you speak for the good of the country. By the way, whatever became of Merrick Garland’s edict about “domestic terrorists”? I guess that was to keep parents from speaking up at school oard meetings. And this “insurrection” by students was not the students’ idea. Organized, trained terrorists lead the impressionable students into this mess, abetted by extraliberal professors. then it’s the students who pay the price of suspension, expelled or arrested.

  8. 7 days ago on Steve Kelley

    It’s not just that she killed a dog; she killed a puppy ecause he was ot trained for the hunt and ruined their good time. Then she told aout it in her book like it was some great accomplishment. Dogs don’t train themselves; if he was not trained, that is ecause she either didn’t train him herself, or if that’s not possible, get someone who knows how to do it for her. And he ruined her good time. Cry for her. What did the poor goat do?

  9. 8 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Yep. Ut’s the far right that tries to keep a candidate off the ballot so that the voting citizens don’t get a chance to vote who they want in office; it’s the far right that killed America’s energy independence and frittered away the nation’s reserve; it’s the far right that has spent money the country does not have ; it’s the far right that got our forces out of Afghanistan (but not all of them) and stood back while multiple wars have broken out in Europe and the Mideast; it’s the far right that defies a ruling of the Supreme Court and goes ahead with student loan forgiveness; it’s the far right that is too weak to stand up and condemn the antisemitism riots (don’t call them peaceful protests) loud and clear; it’s the far right who calls anyone who doesn’t buy the narrative they create racists, fasciests, fueling hatred in one class against the other; it’s the far right that invites hundreds of thousands of outsiders to illegally invade the country without any knowledge of which ones are terrorists dedicated to the destruction of American democracy….. more and more. Lap up the lies and misrepresentations all you want to but hinking people aren’t buying any of it.

  10. 9 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Note that the kid isn’t dreaming; he’s wide awake and sees the real threat to democracy