Ferrari 250 gt in rain

ldmulvaney73 Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Bill Bramhall

    The point of the cartoon is that Joe is following in donny’s footsteps with tariffs, despite that being a bad idea. I’m not sure why quoting other countries rates is relevant to the immediate question.

  2. about 18 hours ago on Bound and Gagged

    As mentioned above, the Wiley bears ;)

  3. about 18 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    First, only the RW folks thought joe sounded angry. (Why is that, I wonder? Projection?) I thought he sounded forceful and not as much like the old uncle or grandfather that he normally sounds like. I guess he hasn’t mastered donny’s sociopathic ability to smile as he threatens or demeans various groups. Second, as for the cocaine left in a public visitors area, I’m pretty sure the president and his family never go through that area, so the suggestion was a joke. But I guess you didn’t get it.

  4. about 19 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Notice? It’s like a bad smell that suddenly isn’t there.

  5. about 19 hours ago on John Deering

    No, an AI would not fix that. It would, however, come up with an amalgam of previous mistakes or make new ones, depending upon its initial programming.

  6. about 19 hours ago on Matt Davies

    Speaking of ccdm types – “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis® signed legislation Wednesday removing the requirement for the state to consider climate change in crafting energy policy and excises nearly all references to climate change in Florida law.” Abbott would do the same right now except he just signed a drought disaster proclamation and figured he should wait a few days before following suit.

  7. about 19 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    Darn, now I wish I was still married so I could blame my bad choices on the wife.

  8. about 19 hours ago on Bill Bramhall


  9. about 19 hours ago on Bill Bramhall

    Actual policies – I would say that given the upcoming campaign and debates, tariffs are a very important concern. Joe should have reduced some of the tariffs that donny put on, especially since joe can actually understand who ends up paying for them (i.e., the consumers – meaning us).

  10. about 19 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Given trump’s recent tirade against junior, it may be that he realizes some non-trumpist republicans may vote for the “younger man” (lol – RFK jr. is already 70).