Robert Ariail for February 07, 2013

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    I know, I know. It’s somebody else’s fault…….

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    dectra  over 11 years ago


    You’ve clearly forgotten the disaster of W’s presidency or the idiocy of Regan’s (you remember him, right? (

    He’s the one who ILLEGALLY armed the contras, sold weapons to IRAQ and ran up the defici…)

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    If Obama is so bad for the economy, how come the economy is doing so much better than under W? More jobs were created last year than in all but one year of W’s presidency, despite the economic collapse Obama inherited, and the Dow is at 14,000. And when I see an elephant with an actual detailed immigration proposal, I’ll believe it.

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    echoraven  over 11 years ago

    great toon.

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  5. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    “Nixon resigned, he was not impeached.”

    Nixon resigned because there was no doubt he would be impeached. He was a fighter, and not a quitter. He would not have resigned if there was any way he could beat the rap.

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Nixon is your role model. That makes sense.You probably think Carter was the President who started gas rationing & oil price controls in the 70s. Guess again! It was Tricky Dick.

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  7. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    “(Oh and either higher health insurance premiums or your employer just dropping benefits altogether like 1 in 10 employers say they will). Sound good?"

    First off, I would be suspicious of anything you read in the Wall Street Journal. Since it was purchased by Rupert Murdoch, the editorial staff’s minimal credibility has been removed.

    Health care costs will go up regardless, as the country gets older and fatter. Some of our problem is our willingness to be self-destructive (ie, unwilling to follow well-understood means to keeping healthy); some of it will be due to bad luck, pollution, genetically altered foods, etc.

    As a doctor, I would rather pay to ensure someone gets their meds for diabetes, rather than to wait and pay for amputations and dialysis when the patient does not take meds due to cost. A stitch in time…

    Before Obamacare, health insurance premiums were rising 10-20% per year, and coverage almost always reduced while premiums increased. All of us were paying for people to get care at emergency rooms because, according to Mitt Romney, who was so very wrong, it’s “free”. Someone paid for that. Part of it comes from higher premiums for those who do have insurance. Part comes from the US taxpayer. The rest helps to explain why they charge $12 for one can of Ensure. I submit that if you add up all the hidden charges from “free” care, you will find we spent at least as much as we will spend for Obamacare.

    Obamacare is not the right answer, as it still directs us to private insurers. As long as we use a for-profit insurance system, everyone, including stockholders, will expect more and more profit. Unfortunately, this will translate to less and less money to doctors and hospitals, and the tsunami continues.

    The right answer, the only answer, and the eventual answer is single-payer universal health care. This will eliminate the shenanigans that employers have used for decades, shuffling hours and responsibilities to reduce costs. The idea that employers will screw their employees because they want to save money on health care is not new; anyone who says it is chooses to ignore well-established history.

    The only question left is when the correct system will be implemented. Given the prostitutional tendencies of our congressmen and the largesse of insurance lobbying, I expect to be long retired before they’re willing to get it right.

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  8. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    “And the only thing he was guilty of was a cover-up…”

    This is incorrect. Obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, burglary, destruction of evidence, the list goes on. I have used up enough space here, so I will suggest you re-visit your watergate history.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    The “right wing” is just frustrated because their arguments, and ideas, won’t fly as far as a clay pigeon. Every time they get shot down by facts, they launch another “bird”, doomed to either be blown up, or shatter when is comes back to Earth.

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  10. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    I agree with dtroutma. The “Obstructors” are out of touch or have fooled the people because of fox “news”

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