Matt Davies for May 07, 2010

  1. Submissions 039
    davesmithsit  about 14 years ago

    Already designed over 14 years ago.

    Nobody deployed it.

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    wolfhoundblues1  about 14 years ago

    BP was given a pass on this inspection after giving a nice little campaign donation.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 14 years ago

    laws were strengthened after Alaska spill…a different type of disaster…. davesmithsit is correct, there was a new emergency safety net and Obama and gang ignored it and the problem for many, many days. (Katrina dejavu?) but Big Oil haters need to tell us how exactly do you plan and prevent a METHANE BUBBLE from developing a mile down on the sea-floor?

    Is there a chemical to sprinkle over a GAS BUBBLE to keep it from exploding???

    this BP disaster was an ACCIDENT.

    if libs and lefties and the Dem. congress take revenge and pass a law to make the oil companies pay their net worth for an accident to ONE WELL….the domestic oil production will come to a dead stop and the libs and lefties will have to quit their cars and jetplane travel, and buy bicycles!

    And the terrorist Mideast producers will have more control over the US government “security” and more cash from oil sales to fund the terrorists.

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